
county town 〔英國〕郡城;〔美國〕縣城。


Longmen hot spring sits on the west foot of beautiful heaven hill in longmen county , neighbouring wanliu lake of he yuan in the east and , nankun hill of longmen in the west . 153 km away from guangzhou , 128 km away from dongguan , 185 km away from shenzhen , 90 km away from huizhou and 10 km from the county town of longmen , with superior location it is quite convenient in traffic 龍門溫泉座落于美麗的龍門縣天堂山西麓,東鄰河源萬綠湖,西倚龍門南昆山,距廣州153公里,距東莞128公里,距深圳185公里,距惠州90公里,離龍門縣城10公里,地理位置十分優越,交通極為方便。

This paper mill is located in xingfen county town of shanxi province , with favorable traffic , rich water resources , good water quality and sufficient pulse and paper making raw material of high quality and cheap price , of which the energy supply is richly endowed by nature , the technical force is strong snd the labour force can be sufficiently ensured 項目建設條件:該廠地處山西省襄汾縣縣城,交通方便,水資源豐富水質良好,制漿造紙原料充足質優價廉,能源供應得天獨厚,技術力量強,勞動力有充足保證。

Convenient and fast transportaion is tangyin famous character . crossing tangyin , jingguang railway , tanghe railway and tangtai railway make tangyin an important railway transportation pivot . jingzhou express high way , 107 national highway , hu - tai line and tang - shang line intersect the county town . roads radiate from tangyin in every directions . it is only one hours ride from tangyin to xinzheng and handan lnternational airports 京廣鐵路與湯鶴支線和湯臺地方鐵路連接南北西東,使湯陰成為豫北地區重要的鐵路運輸樞紐.京珠高速公路、 107國道、壺臺公路、湯上公路在境內縱橫交錯,五鄉五鎮村村公路暢通.湯陰南至新鄭國際機場、北到邯鄲國際機場,只有一個多小時的路程。

The resort hotel of clear island of it lies in the national lake centre of thousand island of chunan of zhejiang of scenic spot of 4a grade , it is the impressive building of shape of dragon , face one side in the lake region of lake centre of thousand island to build by the mountain , face each other across the river with three pool island , longshan island and five dragon island , etc . , from from county town thousand island lake town about 6 . 5 kilometers in chunan , about 150 km from hangzhou 天清島度假酒店位于國家4a級風景名勝區浙江淳安千島湖中心,為氣勢磅礴的形建筑,臨千島湖中心湖區一側依山而建,與三潭島山島和五島等隔水相望,距距淳安縣城即千島湖鎮約6 . 5公里,距杭州約150公里。天清島與千島湖著名的山島遙相呼應。

Situated in county town , dehua - one of the four capitals of porcelain fujian dehua longyuan ceramics co . , ltd . is a foreign - oriented manufacturer producing and marketing various kinds of porcelain arts crafts . with the utilization of domestic and international advanced technique , as well as strengthening traditional porcelain making skill , more and more high grade products emerged in the company . they are rich in variety and novel in design and pattern . especially the pearl porcelain developed by our company , has its unique style . this kind of products become transparent in lusture , changeable in colour like rainbow , highly elegant and magnificient , resistant to acid and alkali , wearable , fadeless , non - toxic , they are another gorgeous item in dehua s porcelain and ceramic field , our products are sold well in the international market and enjoy high reputation from our customers 我司位于中國四大瓷都之一的德化縣縣城,是一家生產經營工藝美術陶瓷的外向型企業。我司在注重傳統制瓷工藝的基礎上,運用當今國內外先進的生產技術,不斷創新,開發高新技術產品,種類繁多全,款式新穎別致。特別是我司研制開發的“珍珠瓷”獨具風格,產品色澤晶瑩發亮,有彩虹般變幻色感,清新淡雅高貴瑰麗,而且耐酸耐堿耐磨,不褪色,不含毒質,是德化瓷壇上綻開的又一朵絢麗奇葩。

Urban telephone subscribers refer to subscribers telephone subscribers , located at municipalities , cities under the jurisdiction of province , cities at prefectural level , downtown and suburb of city at county level town and county towns ( including country towns where county government located , and towns of county level according to the administrative organizational system ) , that are connected to the public line telephone network , including rural mineral area , forest area , military area 城市電話用戶指直轄市、省轄市、地級市、縣級市的市區、市郊區及縣城(包括縣人民政府所在地的縣城關區或行政建制相當于縣人民政府所在地的鎮)范圍內接入局用交換機的電話用戶數,包括分布在農村地區的獨立工礦區、林區、駐軍等接入局用交換機的電話用戶數。

Persons employed in private enterprises refer to the persons employed in the private enterprises which have been registered at the departments of industrial and commercial administration and are situated at a county town ( i . e . a town where the county government is located ) for business operation or at urban areas with the level higher than a county town 城鎮私營從業人員指在工商管理部門注冊登記,其經營地址設在縣城關鎮(含城關鎮)以上的私營企業從業人員;包括私營企業投資者和雇工。

Cocoa hotels “ lie in yang shuo to write the bright “ foreigner s street “ most - the location in the center of the west street , adjoin at lijiang river in the east , adjoin the post office in the west , on the opposite side is the highest peak of the county town of yang shuo - green lotus peak , the forest are lush and green , the scenery is pleasant 可可酒店”位于陽朔最著明的“洋人街”西街的中心地段,東毗漓江,西鄰郵局,對面是陽朔縣城的主峰碧蓮峰,林木蔥郁,景色怡人。

The location of kulangnagu : that ancient river and east bank of the wave of tributary storehouse of middle reach of river of yeerqiang lying in the southwest of yecheng county , more than 200 kilometers from the county town of yecheng , there are flood threats in summer , the icy snow seals in winter , natural conditions are bad 庫浪那古地段:位于葉城縣西南的葉爾羌河中游支流庫浪那古河東岸,距葉城縣城余公里,夏季有洪水威脅,冬季冰凍雪封,自然條件差。

Choose to implement a group of strategy in the medium - sized city , is determined by the outstanding position in constructing the rational urban system of county town , determined by its comparative advantage of scale , economic advantage and cost comparative advantage too , therefore is realistic and possible 選擇實施中等城市群戰略,是由縣城在構建合理城鎮體系中的突出地位決定的,也是由其規模比較優勢、經濟優勢以及成本比較優勢決定的,因而既現實又可能。

Firstly , the author analyzes the scale alteration of towns in county administrative areas from the whole and different parts . this chapter points out two things : on the one hand , the difference between centre - towns and general - towns become more and more prominent , especially county town 作者首先分析江蘇省縣域城鎮規模變動的過程和現狀特點,指出等級分化日益顯著,縣城鎮超前發展,建制鎮增長過快,鄉鎮規模過小及區域分異明顯等客觀事實。

Box - counting dimension and information dimension make clear that the distribution of the citis and county towns of huaian and suqian is fractal , but the evolution of them is being much interfered by unknown factors , the spatial distribution of these citis and towns is in the fractal change 容量維數和信息維數表明:兩市的縣級及縣級以上的城鎮空間分布是分形的,但城鎮空間分布演化受到一些無序因素的較大干擾,城鎮空間分布處于分形變化之中。

Part iv : choose suitable appraisal model and index to appraise all the county towns of henan province synthetically . then probe into the developing synthetic index of every town , and regard this as the important basis of appraising the comprehensive towns condition 第四部分:選擇合適的評價模型和指標評價體系,對河南省所有縣城進行了綜合評價,探討各城鎮的綜合發展指數,以此作為評價綜合性城鎮設市條件的重要依據。

October 16 morning , the chefs in the united states do hengdong county town of willow kasugata home village peasants xu xiaodong made a phone call good news : this year decent income , the income will be more than 20 , 000 us dollars , and return home for the new year to see 湖南廚師網訊10月16日上午,在美國做廚師的衡東縣霞流鎮楊柳村農民許曉東給家里打來電話報喜:今年收入不錯,年收入會超過2萬美元,爭取過年回家看看。

At that point we had only 1 regiment in yunghsin which , under the cover provided by the broad masses of the people , pinned down these 11 regiments within a radius of thirty li of yunghsin county town for as long as twenty - five days by means of guerrilla attacks from every direction 此時我軍只有一個團在永新,在廣大群眾的掩護之下,用四面游擊的方式,將此十一團敵軍困在永新縣城附近三十里內至二十五天之久。

Located at the middle part of anji county and on the west of the county town , anji economic development zone has completed its first phase of development and construction , the construction of infrastructure facilities for the second phase has been completed as well 長興經濟開發區位于長興城市東南側,東接西太湖,南至318國道,區內有一條國家級航道、二條高速公路、三條鐵路構成產水陸交通網,交通十分便捷。

A civil airport in the county town is undertaking . the geothermal energy resouces have been utilized properly . a hot spring plaza has set up in the town , where vistors can enjoy the perfect facilities and services 連城東鄰永安南接巖,兩條平坦如砥的國道穿行境內連城民用機場已在籌建之中豐富的地熱資源得到開發利用, “溫泉水滑洗凝脂” ,坐落在城區的溫泉大廈,設施完善,為游人提供優質服務。

There are standard qinjiang mountain villa with 4 star and many hotel where service facilities are completes in the county town , offer various kinds of warm and thoughtful recreation and commercial service to the masses of traveling traders 縣城有四星級標準的琴江山莊、在建的五星級標準的保羅大酒店及其它多家服務設施齊全的酒店和娛樂、購物場所,為廣大客商提供熱情周到的各種休閑和商務服務。

Always been to collect the jade son s main river , and the famous jade river in the world with two great rivers of d . click draw keshen to be river ancient to call yuhe wu , county town black jade of bank of the river so as and gain the name promptly 和闐的兩條大河歷來是拾玉子的主要河流,是世界上有名的玉河。喀拉喀什河古稱烏玉河,河邊的縣城墨玉即以此而得名。玉喀什河即古代著名的白玉河。